Thursday, February 8, 2018

4470.   By Del. Harshbarger, Cooper, Maynard, Paynter, Eldridge, Phillips, Martin, Ward and Thompson - Exempting all-terrain vehicles and utility terrain vehicles used as farm equipment from the sales tax (FN) - To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance

4471.   By Del. Ward - Establishing a one percent tax on food for five years (FN) - To Banking and Insurance then Finance

4472.   By Del. Sobonya, C. Miller, Rowan, Ward and Rohrbach - West Virginia Addictions Treatment and Recovery Fund (FN) - To Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse then Finance

4473.   By Del. Sobonya, C. Romine, Westfall, Overington, Ambler, Butler, C. Miller, Rowan, Ward, Householder and Rohrbach - Relating to use of state funds for advertising to promote a public official or government office - To the Judiciary

4474.   By Del. Eldridge - Exempting all monetary benefits derived from retirement income from personal income tax obligations for individuals moving into the state (FN) - To Senior Citizen Issues then Finance

4475.   By Del. Shott and Ellington - Allowing counties and municipalities to levy a sales tax on food and beverages sold at restaurants (FN) - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

4476.   By Del. Eldridge - Permitting persons who voluntarily enroll in a drug rehabilitation program to be included in an existing pilot program (FN) - To Health and Human Resources then Finance

4477.   By Del. Wagner, Jennings and Ferro - Allowing county commissions to impose an amusement tax - To Political Subdivisions then Finance

4478.   By Del. Lovejoy, Rohrbach, Hanshaw, Hornbuckle, Williams, Byrd, Canestraro, R. Miller, Robinson, Rowe and Isner - Authorizing public schools to distribute excess food to students (FN) - To Education then Finance

4479.   By Del. Westfall, A. Evans, Hartman and White - Relating to the West Virginia Life And Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act - To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary